Another month over with, but at least the sun finally put in an appearance, albeit briefly! June was a busy month, and here's what I got up to.
Gavin kicked off June on his 1250GS. Gavin passed his IAM test 20 years ago, and decided it was time for a refresher. All credit to Gavin, his skill levels were still very high, meaning he only needed a few tweaks here and there to add that final polish.

Next up was Kev on his MAHOOOSIVE Triumph Rocket III. What. A. Machine! Kev is a lifelong biker who decided it was time for a skills refresher before he heads off to tour Scotland with his wife.

Dale followed on from Kev on his supercharged Kawasaki. Dale had 2 sessions in May and this was his third session as he prepares to take his RoSPA advanced test. I'll let you know how he gets on.

Rob came along on his Honda CBF600. Rob came back to biking earlier this year after a substantial break. Cracking session, and despite the forecast, we pretty much stayed dry.

Rob finished off the month on his Triumph Speed Twin. Rob passed his test just over 2 years ago and now wants to complete the DVSA Enhanced Rider Scheme, and then move on to further post test qualifications. Further sessions booked.

No RoSPA tests in June, but I did enjoy three training sessions with my local RoSPA group, as well as joining them on an evening social ride.
For the first training session, I conducted a pre test assessment on FireBike rider Karl. It was Karls final training session before he took his advanced test, which he successfully passed, achieving a Gold grade. All the NYFRS FireBike riders have to pass the RoSPA advanced test and all of the riders have taken their training with my group, Advanced Riders North Yorkshire, and it's great to be involved with both.

For the 2nd session, I was paired up with Brian on his R1200RT. Brian hopes to take his test this year.

For the final session of the month, I was with Phil on his 1200GS. It was another pre test assessment as Phil nears test day.

The social ride was a great mix of Tutors and Associates with 14 bikes and riders enjoying a meandering route around the Yorkshire Wolds, finishing at a local bike night.

Lined up and ready for the off.

Quick pre ride briefing.

Seaways Cafe bike night, it was packed! To find out more about Advanced Riders North Yorkshire, go to - https://www.arny.org.uk/
IAM tests.
I conducted one IAM test in June, a National Observer reassessment. The candidate was Terry riding his KTM1290. Terry put in a great effort and passed both parts with flying colours.

IAM Roadsmart magazine feature.
Some months ago I was invited to write an article for the IAM magazine 'Roadsmart', for a feature about members favourite routes they like to ride/drive. In all honesty, I'd forgotten all about it, but it was finally published in their June edition. What's even better, I was contacted by customer Glynn, who had seen the article, and we're now going to use some of the route as the basis for his next training session.

Not just 2 pages....

but 3!

NYF&RS FireBike
I didn't get out on the FireBikes at all in May, so I was looking forward to getting out more in June, visiting various venues and events. Unfortunately, 1 bike had a small issues resulting in it being off the road for a couple of weeks, meaning the other bike was in great demand with the other members of the team. However, I did manage to get to one event at an IAM group meeting, alongside Helen from the York & North Yorkshire Road Safety Partnership, TC Hoyle from the road safety team at North Yorkshire Police and Police motorcyclist Dan. The evening was very well attended and there was much discussion on issues and concerns of driving and riding. Some of the group had a go with the VR headsets, which gives you a sense of being involved in an RTC and how the emergency services deal with it. The group were also keen to hear about the work of the FireBike team and police rider. All in all, a great evening.

The IAM members 'enjoying' the VR experience.....not that you can tell!

Very expensive, but great tech.

TC Hoyle chatting to members.
Christian Motorcyclists Association - CMA.
On 12th, I rocked up at Strawberry fields café, to be met by members of the Christian Motorcyclists Association. Now I'm not known for my church going (much to the dismay of Mrs S) but what a lovely group of people to chat to. They even gave me a nice book to give to Mrs S. If you want to know about what they do, check out their link.

Nice people.

Not sure these will replace my hi viz.

A gift from CMA to Mrs S.
Social rides #1.
On the 6th of June, me and Mrs S had our first evening ride of the year together. It was a lovely gentle meander to sunny Scarbados, so of course, involved fish n chips.

Beautiful lady, beautiful evening.

I only ate them for artistic value for the social media content, I mean, I didn't enjoy them or anything!
Social ride #2.
On the 19th, I met up with long time biking buddy Daren, on his excellent Honda 750 X-ADV. We had a great day around the Wolds and North York Moors, stopping off at Rosedale for tea and scones and taking in the fab roads and scenery.

Blue skies, dry roads, what's not to like.

Are you a jam on first kinda guy, or cream on first? Answers on a post card to.......
On the 27th, me and Mrs S, headed off to Scotland for 5 nights and then a final night in 'The Lakes'. We had intended to go on the bike, but with the dodgy weather forecast and my dodgy knee, we decided to take the car, but we still had a great time. Scotland has some amazing roads and amazing scenery and I never tire of visiting. Interesting fact, I have probably been to Scotland at least 30 times on motorbike, but this was only the second time I've been in the car. Here's just a few photos from our trip.

Here we go.

A sure sign you're over the border.

Amazing scenery, despite the dark skies.

The run up to Glenshee, Blue sky breaking through.

The dam on the Bridge of Balgie road.

Heading south towards Fort Augustus.

Highland cattle.

The Drovers Inn, out most favourite pub in Scotland.

Very scary and should never be unnecessarily provoked. The other is a bear!

Commando Memorial

Hold all the comments about being a tosser!!


Lock staircase at Fort Augustus.

The sun finally came out, so we hit the beer garden.....it didn't last long!

Near Fort William.

Kirkstone Pass, towards Ambleside.

A final beer to round off 7 great days away together.
Not much to tell you about the GSA this month, other than to say it continues to do everything I ask of it. I tour on it, train on it, do social rides on it, run errands on it, and when the mood takes me, 'scratch it' through the twisties, and generally have a load of fun on it. It really is the do it all bike. And, if that isn't enough, it pretty much returns 50-55mpg all of the time. If you've never tried one, you really should.
So, here's my GSA mileage figures for June.
1/06/24 - 15047
30/6/24 - 16271
GSA mileage in June - 1224.
FireBike mileage for June - 23.....yes, a whole 23! lol. I must try harder in July.
Various bike mileages for the year to date;
GSA - 5527.
FireBike 2370.
Motorrad Tours 2490.
Total for the year to 30/6/24 - 10387.
And that my friends, rounds off June 2024. Until next month, ride safe.
Ian S